When do blueberries ripen?

We have blueberries ripening from the 3rd week of July until early September.

Do I need to bring my own containers?

We invite you to bring your own clean containers. Alternatively, you may pick into one of our lined boxes, and take home your berries in the plastic bag they’re lined with.

What varieties of blueberries do you have?

We have thirteen varieties of blueberries ranging from early ripening to late ripening. Some are: Patriot, Duke, Blueray, Bluecrop, Toro, Nelson, Jersey, Bonus and Elliot.

What is the difference between the varieties?

Different varieties ripen at different times in the season. Some varieties are more winter hardy, some produce bigger berries, or are more firm, or sweeter. All the varieties are delicious and taste is a matter of preference. A blueberry isn’t fully ripe until it has been blue for three days and generally the longer a berry is on the bush, the sweeter it becomes.

How can you tell when the blueberry is ripe?

When it is totally blue and there is no red tinge at its base. A blueberry is fully ripe after it has been blue for three days.

Are pets allowed on the farm?

We love pets but ask you to leave them at home as they are not allowed in the blueberry field (working guide dogs in harness are exceptions to the rule).

How long will blueberries last?

Unwashed fresh picked, farm direct blueberries will keep up to a month in the refrigerator, and three years in the freezer. There is no need to wash blueberries before you freeze them as this removes the berry’s natural protective waxy coating, or bloom. Do not add sugar before freezing as this toughens the skin when storing.

Do you spray the blueberries with anything?

Generally no. We are always on the lookout for pests and try to nip any problems in the bud. If we need to spray in the future we will use the minimum amount of organic and conventional crop protection possible to keep our berries safe and of the highest quality.  If you spot anything concerning, please notify a staff member.

What methods of payment are accepted?

We accept cash, debit, or credit card.

What are the health benefits of blueberries?

Blueberries have long been recognized as a nutritious and healthful food choice.  Over the last decade, they have earned increasing acclaim as one of nature’s super-fruits.  Studies worldwide are resulting in exciting and significant findings.  Blueberries are now linked with improvements in memory, motor skills, vision, cardiovascular and urinary tract along with cancer prevention, and a reduction in the effects of aging.

Blueberries are rated tops in antioxidant activity when compared to 40 other fresh fruits.  USDA lab at Tufts University in Boston  researchers have found that the Antioxidants in fruits help neutralize harmful by- products of metabolism called free radicals that can lead to cancer and other age-related diseases.

Anthocyanin (from the Greek anthos for plant and kyanos for blue) are ke.  Anthocyanins have incredible antioxidant power!

Another blueberry benefit is that it can prevent and alleviate urinary tract infection. Blueberries create a ‘teflon’ effect, prohibiting the growth of bacteria by preventing bacteria’s adherence to urinary tract walls.

Blueberries are packed with vitamin C. In just one half cup serving, you can get 14 mg of Vitamin C – almost 25 percent of your daily requirement. Vitamin C aids the formation of collagen and helps maintain healthy gums and capillaries. It also promotes iron absorption and a healthy immune system.

Blueberries are an excellent source of manganese. Manganese plays an important role in bone development and in converting the proteins, carbohydrates and fats of food into energy – a perfect job for blueberries.(http://www.blueberrycouncil.org/health-benefits-of-blueberries/)

There is also a powerful connection between blueberries and memory. Research has shown that blueberries might help reverse the short term memory loss that often comes with aging. Blueberries are thought to be a key in preserving a healthy young brain. (http://www.cookingnook.com/health-benefits-of-blueberries.html)

Experts recommend consuming a half cup of blueberries per day to reap the full benefits of ‘blue plant power’.  Fresh or frozen, raw or cooked, the anthocyanins in blueberries are as healthful as the berries are flavourful.